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DMSE alums share insights on building a clean tech startup

Two DMSE alums, co-founders of Woburn-based startup Phoenix Tailings, visited campus earlier this month to give current students and postdocs a glimpse into the sometimes heady, often grungy…

2020 and 2021 DMSE grads return for ceremony and celebration

In March 2020, just as MIT announced it would shut down, sending students off campus in an effort to slow the spread of covid-19, Professor Jeffrey Grossman gathered…

How to get what you need from your PhD or postdoc supervisor

Suhas Eswarappa Prameela, a postdoctoral fellow in DMSE, talks with Science about how to cultivate a nurturing relationship with a PhD advisor. Ultimately, it boils down to “helping your advisor…

Alumni return to MIT to give real-life guidance

Last month, DMSE’s Mechanics of Materials became Mechanics of Real Life. The class, 3.013, taught by Professor Cem Tasan, hosted an alumni career panel, with DMSE alums detailing ways…

FORGE holds its first out-of-state event

SAN FRANCISCO – At the heart of FORGE, DMSE’s program for alumni relations and professional development, is making connecting among students, past and present, wherever they live, work, and play. So…