
This is my archive

Scientists uncover the amazing way sandgrouse hold water in their feathers

Many birds’ feathers are remarkably efficient at shedding water — so much so that “like water off a duck’s back” is a common expression. Much more unusual are the belly…

Deep-learning system explores materials’ interiors from the outside

Maybe you can’t tell a book from its cover, but according to researchers at MIT you may now be able to do the equivalent for materials of all sorts, from…

Off-menu materials science

A formerly self-described dyed-in-the-wool chemist who has gradually transitioned to research that sits at the interface of science and engineering, Associate Professor Robert Macfarlane and his Macfarlane Lab…

Nanoparticles provoke immune response against tumors but avoid side effects

Cancer drugs that stimulate the body’s immune system to attack tumors are a promising way to treat many types of cancer. However, some of these drugs produce too…

Team uses 3D printing to strengthen a key material in aerospace, energy-generation applications

The materials key to many important applications in aerospace and energy generation must be able to withstand extreme conditions such as high temperatures and tensile stresses without failing.

Powering the future in Mongolia

Nestled within the Tuul River valley and embraced by the southern Khentii Mountain Range, Ulaanbaatar (UB), Mongolia’s largest city, presents itself as an arena where nature’s forces wage…

Unraveling connections between the brain and gut

The brain and the digestive tract are in constant communication, relaying signals that help to control feeding and other behaviors. This extensive communication network also influences our mental…

MIT-Pillar AI Collective announces first seed grant recipients

The MIT-Pillar AI Collective has announced its first six grant recipients. Students, alumni, and postdocs working on a broad range of topics in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and…

Team creates map for production of eco-friendly metals

In work that could usher in more efficient, eco-friendly processes for the production of important metals like lithium, iron and cobalt, researchers from MIT and SLAC National Accelerator…

A peek behind the curtain: The MIT facilities key to the world’s best materials research

In 2022 MIT was ranked first in the world for its research in materials science, a discipline that encompasses everything from the steel in our cars to the…