Breakerspace image contest showcases creativity, perseverance

The lab’s first microscope competition highlights stunning images and student ingenuity.

The Breakerspace transformed into an art gallery on March 12, with six easels arranged in an arc to showcase arresting images—black-and-white scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of crumpled biological structures alongside the brilliant hues of digital optical microscopy.

The images were the winning entries from the inaugural Breakerspace Microscope Image Contest, which opened in fall 2024. The contest invited all MIT undergraduates to train on the Breakerspace’s microscopic instruments, explore material samples, and capture images that were artistic, instructive, or technically challenging.

“The goal of the contest is to inspire curiosity and creativity, encouraging students to explore the imaging tools in the Breakerspace,” said Professor Jeffrey Grossman of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE). “We want students to see the beauty and complexity of materials at the microscopic level, to think critically about the images they capture, and to communicate what they mean to others.”

Grossman was a driving force behind the Breakerspace, a laboratory and lounge designed to encourage MIT undergraduates to explore the world of materials.

The contest drew about 50 entries across four categories:

  • Most Instructive, for images illustrating key concepts with documentation
  • Most Challenging, requiring significant sample preparation
  • Best Optical Microscope Image of a sample, rendered in color
  • Best Electron Microscope Image, magnified hundreds or even thousands of times

Winners in the four categories received $500, and two runners-up received $100.

“By making this a competition with prizes, we hope to motivate more students to explore microscopy and develop a stronger connection to the materials science community at MIT,” Grossman said.

A window onto research

Amelia How, a DMSE sophomore and winner of the Most Instructive category, used an SEM to show how hydrogen atoms seep into titanium—a phenomenon called hydrogen embrittlement, which can weaken metals and lead to material failure in applications such as aerospace, energy, or construction. The image stemmed from How’s research in Associate Professor Cem Tasan’s research lab, through MIT’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP). She trained on the SEM for the contest after seeing an email announcement.

“It helped me realize how to explain what I was actually doing,” How said. “Because the work that I’m doing is something that’s going into a paper, but most people won’t end up reading that.”

Mishael Quraishi, a DMSE senior and winner of Best SEM Image, captured the flower Alstroemeria and its pollen-bearing structure, the anther. She entered the contest mainly to explore microscopy—but sharing that experience was just as rewarding.

“I really love how electron images look,” Quraishi said. “But as I was taking the images, I was also able to show people what pollen looked like at a really small scale—it’s kind of unrecognizable. That was the most fun part: sharing the image and then telling people about the technique.”

Quraishi, president of the Society of Undergraduate Materials Scientists, also organized the event, part of Materials Week, a student-run initiative that highlights the department’s people, research, and impact.

Persistence in practice

Winner of the Most Challenging category, DMSE sophomore Nelushi Vithanachchi gained not just microscopy experience but also perseverance. The category called for significant effort put into the sample preparation—and Vithanachchi spent hours troubleshooting.

Her sample—a carving of MIT’s Great Dome in silicon carbide—was made using a focused ion beam, a tool that sculpts materials by bombarding them with ions, or charged atoms. The process requires precision, as even minor shifts can ruin a sample.

In her first attempt, while milling the dome’s façade, the sample shifted and broke. A second try with a different design also failed. She credits her UROP advisor, Aaditya Bhat from Associate Professor James LeBeau’s research group, for pushing her to keep going.

“It was 4 in the morning, and after failing for the third time, I said, ‘I’m not doing this,’” Vithanachchi recalled. “Then Aaditya said, ‘No, we’ve got to finish what we started.’” After a fourth attempt, using the lessons learned from the previous failures, they were finally able to create a structure that resembled the MIT dome.

Anna Beck, a DMSE sophomore and runner-up for Best Electron Microscope Image, had a much different experience. “It was very relaxed for me. I just sat down and took images,” she said. Her entry was an SEM image of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) fibers from an event wrist band. HDPE is a durable material used in packaging, plumbing, and consumer goods.

Through the process, Beck gained insight into composition and microscopy techniques—and she’s excited to apply what she’s learned in the next competition in fall 2025. “In hindsight, I look at mine now and I wish I turned the brightness up a little more.”

Though 35% of the entries came from DMSE students, a majority—65%—came from other majors or first-year students.

With the first contest showcasing both creativity and technical skill, organizers hope even more students will take on the challenge, bringing fresh perspectives and discoveries to the microscopic world. The contest will run again in fall 2025.

“The inaugural contest brought in an incredible range of submissions. It was exciting to see students engage with microscopy in new ways and share their discoveries,” Grossman said. “The Breakerspace was designed for all undergraduates, regardless of major or experience level—whether they’re conducting research, exploring new materials, or simply curious about what something is made of. We’re excited to expand participation and encourage even more entries in the next competition.”