Gregory Sands
Gregory Sands coordinates logistics for the MIT Program in Polymers and Soft Matter (PPSM). He started at PPSM in 2001, and later joined the department in 2018 when DMSE adopted oversight of its key administrative functions. Prior to PPSM, starting in 1996, Sands worked as a team member in MIT’s inaugural administrative “cluster,” the Administrative Services Organization, which consolidated the primary administrative functions of two major departments and several minor ones into one central office. His earliest MIT experiences included numerous temporary assignments in DMSE, the Departments of Chemical Engineering, Mathematics, and Music and Theater Arts, the Islamic Architecture Program, and the Office of Sponsored Research. Off hours, he loves making and sharing music with others, hiking, and vegetarian experimentation—in particular his pursuit of the perfect five-seed garlic-cumin-apricot bread. Sands has appeared with the Tanglewood Festival Chorus, the Bay City Rollers, the Whirlwind Sax Quartet, and many freelance performances including cantorial singing, musical theater, and jazz. He earned degrees from University of Massachusetts Lowell and the New England Conservatory of Music.