Lionel C. Kimerling
Primary Impact, Materials, Research Type

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Professor Lionel Kimerling’s research centers on the design and processing of semiconductor materials and devices. His work has had a fundamental impact on the understanding of chemical and electrical properties of defects in semiconductors. His research teams have enabled long-lasting telecommunications lasers; produced the first 1 MB DRAM, or dynamic random-access memory; developed semiconductor diagnostic methods; and pioneered silicon microphotonics. His MIT research on silicon processing has addressed integrated circuit fabrication, microphotonic materials and devices, solar energy conversion, and environmentally benign integrated circuit manufacturing.
Professor Kimerling earned a BS in metallurgy in 1965 and a PhD in 1968, both from MIT. He was head of the Materials Physics Research Department at AT&T Bell Laboratories when he joined the faculty at DMSE in 1990. In addition to serving as the founding director of the MIT Microphotonics Center, Professor Kimerling was director of the MIT Materials Processing Center for 15 years, establishing the organization as the industry portal for faculty across all materials-related disciplines. He is the lead for MIT’s Initiative for Knowledge and Innovation in Manufacturing and the AIM Photonics Institute executive for education, workforce development. He has authored more than 600 technical articles and more than 75 patents in integrated photonics and semiconductor processing. He is a fellow at numerous professional organizations, including the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, the Materials Research Society, the American Physical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Optica.