Antoine Allanore
Primary Impact, Materials, Research Type

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Professor Antoine Allanore’s research centers on process design and demonstration and properties measurement. It applies to the development of sustainable materials extraction and manufacturing processes. Professor Allanore has developed alternative approaches to metals and minerals extraction and processing; for example, a waste-free process to produce a potassium fertilizer from earth-abundant raw materials and a new, environment-friendly way of separating metals from other materials. His predilection processing methods rely on using electricity to provide energy-efficient processes. Each research project combines the theoretical—for example, how does the flow of matter affect the performance of a process?—and the phenomenological—what is the actual lab performance of existing and novel materials processes?
Professor Allanore earned a chemical engineering diploma from the École Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques and an MS from the National Polytechnic Institute of Lorraine, France, in 2004. He completed his PhD at the National Polytechnic Institute in 2007, in electrochemical engineering, focusing on iron metal production by electrolysis. He worked as a research engineer at steel production company ArcelorMittal from 2004 to 2009 and joined the DMSE faculty at MIT in 2010.
Key Publications
Selective sulfidation of metal compounds
Subjected oxides of rare-earth and other important metals to a chemical process called sulfidation. We discovered process parameters to separate metals by having them form new, easily recovered chemicals.