
This is my archive

Large MIT presence at international conference on solid state ionics

Some 575 researchers participated in July’s 23rd International Conference on Solid State Ionics, a major event featuring over 635 presentations, many from MIT researchers, on the…

Teachers make Frankensteel during Materials Camp at MIT

Ten high school teachers spent a week at MIT in July designing and making Frankensteel, a self-healing material inspired by the villain in the Terminator 2 movie. Next up: they…

Mining’s key role in the energy transition is focus of MIT conference

Mining will play an important role in the world’s transition from fossil fuels to renewable forms of energy because the technologies involved will require huge amounts of minerals,…

DMSE awards and honors in spring 2023

DMSE faculty, students, and staff have been recognized for their work, service, and professionalism this spring. Here is a roundup of their achievements: Graduate student Tunahan Aytas won the…

2023 DMSE graduates shine at celebratory reception

DMSE graduates, their families and friends joined faculty and staff for a reception in a tent on Eastman Court on Thursday to celebrate their achievements, just hours before…

Alumni reconnect with DMSE in the forge

With new educational programming through the FORGE Initiative, DMSE is ensuring that members of the community can continue learning from the department even after they’ve graduated. The alumni…

To DMSE alum, energy transition doesn’t stop with electricity

At this point in time, there’s no longer a need to ask why scientists and engineers are working to mitigate climate change, said William Woodford, CTO of startup…

DMSE alums share insights on building a clean tech startup

Two DMSE alums, co-founders of Woburn-based startup Phoenix Tailings, visited campus earlier this month to give current students and postdocs a glimpse into the sometimes heady, often grungy…

DMSE grad student group Kitchen Matters leads a live cooking show

During the chilly last weekend of February, families around Cambridge, Massachusetts, enjoyed a fun-filled day in the Kendall/MIT Open Space. Winter Family Day included a range of family-friendly…

Ancient African smelting technique sparks anew at MIT

The plumes of smoke that rose from East Campus one sunny May day could easily have been mistaken for a barbecue taking place in the courtyard. And indeed,…