Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs
There are three standing interdepartmental doctoral programs involving academic training and requirements outside the department that can be pursued by DMSE doctoral students. These programs have their own requirements, are overseen by their own standing committees, and may have their own qualifying procedures. Generally, at least one-half of the DMSE subject requirements must be satisfied and a DMSE co-advisor must be designated if the principal thesis supervisor is not in DMSE.
Archaeology and Archaeological Materials
The program uses the scientific principles and laboratory methods of materials science and engineering to study the natural and cultural artifacts central to archaeological inquiry. Research includes archaeological fieldwork coupled with laboratory analysis and experiment to reconstruct the materials technologies of societies known principally from their archaeological remains. The Center for Materials Research in Archaeology (CMRAE) and Ethnology provides more information on archaeological materials.

Program in Polymers and Soft Matter
PPSM is interdepartmental program in polymers established by the Schools of Engineering and Science, is open to qualified students admitted to the graduate programs of Biological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering. It consists of an initial academic phase for all students (regardless of background and research interest), followed by research in a selected area of specialization. The program leads to the doctoral degree; a master’s degree can be obtained through the student’s department.

Computational Science and Engineering Program
The doctoral program in CSE at MIT’s Schwarzman College of Computing allows enrolled students to specialize at the doctoral level in a computation-related field of their choice through focused coursework and a doctoral thesis.