Microscope Image Contest
Microscope imagery is central to the Breakerspace’s educational mission. The Microscope Image Contest showcases the creativity and technical skill of MIT undergraduates as they explore the microscopic world.
Fall 2024
Below are the winning images from the inaugural competition, which drew dozens of stunning images.

Fractograph of a titanium alloy showing a partially brittle, partially ductile fracture caused by electrochemical hydrogen embrittlement. Hydrogen diffuses inward from the edges, leaving a rectangular patch of ductile metal at the center.

A micro MIT: A tiny replica of the Great Dome sculpted into silicon carbide using focused ion beam.

Alstroemeria anther with pollen.

Garnet collected in Maine, showing its characteristic trapezohedral crystal habit—its natural crystal shape.

High-density polyethylene (HDPE) fibers from a torn event wristband.

Eye cells of a housefly.